Monday, April 23, 2012

starting out

So this is going to be the first of many blogs to my children.  That's right.  My kids.  I love them dearly and I want them to know how much I love them.  Here's why...

Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of the murder of my friend.  He was a wonderful man.  But beyond who he was... he left behind a family.  A family who, until that day, couldn't imagine a life without them.  A wife.  Two daughters.  A father.  A mother.  A sister. A brother.  That is just the beginning.  Those left behind when he was murdered must now come to terms with a man taken before his time.  Taken by force.  Taken when he had so much left to give.

It is because of this loss in my life, this loss in the world, that I want my kids to know how much they mean to me.  Despite the fact that sometimes I want to strangle them!

Sometimes I ask myself... why on earth did I have children?  Why on earth did I want to do this to myself?  These two little helions are the most important thing in my life (next to my husband that is) and yet... sometimes I can't wait to get out of the house and go to work.

I had children because I wanted to.  I wanted to take care of someone and to love someone unconditionally.  That is what parents do.  Love unconditionally.  I don't believe you truely figure out what that love is until you have your own child.  I can't explain the depth of this love in words. I can't explain how incredible being a mother is.  Of course, I think parents love their kids unconditionally because if they didn't, the world population would be A LOT smaller.  Because parents would have them taken out! 

Remember that.  I love you, but you're lucky!

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